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08May 2019

Passion and Profession

Posted by : C M International School
Category : C M International School Pune
Date :

Dance calms me in more ways that you can't even imagine. It's a very subtle way that trains my mind and body to connect as I attempt to match the rhythm and beats of the music.

I don't always get to be on the student side of things but when I do I am glad it's with my students.

I am very Passionate about dancing and I am happy that I have chosen my passion to also be my profession. Finding your passion isn't just about money it's about finding yourself ,finding happiness in what you do.

If you want to turn your hobby into your career, you have to follow it, of course dream it make, it come true and finally live it. Passion is not only putting energy into your hobby but it is putting more of enthusiasm and having more excitement in whatever you are doing.

During my journey of turning dancing into my career I followed this code by Gabrielle Bernstein that is allow your passion to become your purpose and it will one day become your profession and yes it has indeed helped me a lot in my life.

If you don't love what you do then there is no 100% of happiness or effort that you put is going to make you feel satisfied about your work.

When passion and profession comes together it's your magic. Just train yourself in whatever field you want to be, maintain your skills by continuous training and become competent in your chosen sector of work. It is totally amazing if you love your work. 

I love my work and I look forward to each day as a new challenge and new task that I want to complete with full energy and positivity in my attitude.

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C M International School

Dancing with the feet is one thing ,and dancing with your heart is totally another. Hello everyone my name is Reena a homemaker,a mother,a teacher,a confident women. I am a dance and fitness instructor, member of a all girl dance squad named Team P

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