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Parenting Guide

5 Core Values to Teach on Earth Day

Today is the day to encourage harmony with the nature; it is reminder that mother Earth provides life and we all exist and will exist when we care for the earth like our house. Earth Day is celebrated annually on 22 April in 180 countries.

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It is more relevant and more important to teach children about the Earth and the challenges we are facing today. Our children are the future and if anyone is going to make a difference and start the new ways of protecting our children it is our children.

Let the Spirit of Earth Day Go On For All The Year

Awareness and inspiring activities in schools are a great ways to educate children about climate change, reduce pollution, protect biodiversity, local community work, classroom integrated activities and more.

5 Core Values To Teach Children on Earth Day

Here are 5 core values values to inculcate among children and also as parents, educators and schools, we all should be the role models in practicing them in our everyday living.

1. Benefits of Trees in the World 

2. Easy Ways to Reduce Energy

3. Importance of Recycling

4. Water Conservation

5. E-Waste Disposal Wisely

Share with us how will you be celebrating Earth Day in your school, with your family and friends.

Poster Making is a great way to understand the the iportance of "SAVE EARTH" , "SAVE OUR FUTURE"


Earth Day Poster NexSchools 5 Activities on Earth Day School Parents Activities Save Planet