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30Dec 2020

Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Classes

Posted by : Akshobhya Sapre
Category : Kids Blog- 11-13 years
Date :

Hello and welcome back to yet another of my musings. I am going to write about something you might be interested in. Well, its most likely interesting for kids my age, but it still might be interesting for adults, too. We all know, that because of this pandemic, all kids have online classes. But have you ever wondered what are the advantages and disadvantages of them? Well, read on to know my views on this….

First of all, let’s talk about different feelings of the children, of what they feel about online classes. Well, some children might like them, some might not. I am sometimes confused about how much I like them myself. At the beginning, I used to think, “Yeah! Online classes are fun!”. After a few days, I was like, “Well…yeah, they are kind of fun.” And right now? I am desperate for the school to start. But you just might be here all day if I continue, so let’s move on.

Let’s talk about the advantages first. Well, let me just say that there aren’t exactly many, but if you were to try to find some, here are the ones most common:

  1. Misbehavior of children under control: If you’re confused, let me explain. You see, when the schools were open, kids used to talk a lot and also misbehave during the classes. But now, you can’t misbehave during the online ones, even if you try to. If you unmute your microphone, the teacher can easily mute you again by a click of a button. So during the classes, its total silence, except for the teacher’s talking (which, apparently, is nonstop). Its kind of unfair, though, but I understand, as children have background noises sometimes (for example: parents shouting, siblings crying, and, well, that kind of thing).
  2. It costs less: Some parents don’t have enough money for their child’s education, or even for the uniforms and stuff. But, online classes are a lot more cheaper, since you don’t have to pay for anything except school fees, books and a smartphone with an internet connection ( which isn’t much as all do have a smartphone and internet these days).
  3. Location: For college students, they have to travel to different countries to get different grades and all that stuff. But with online classes, location doesn’t matter. If you want to take classes in a German university, but you live in India, you can easily attend your class without any trouble. Thus, it is a lot easier to attend a class of a different university if you’re sitting in another country ( and you also save a lot of money). Also to attend school, children have to wake up early to travel to a school far away. Now they can sleep!!
  4. Comfort: For online classes, there is no proper rule for uniform. So if you want to attend a class in your pajamas, you can. If you want to lie on the couch and listen to a lecture, you can. If you want to listen to music while chatting with your friends in the background, you can (I don’t do these things, though. I’d probably be shouted at for the rest of the year by my mother, if I did).
  5. Focus power: Its not easy to focus in the physical class. Sometimes, your classmate disturbs you, sometimes, there is construction going on right outside the class (that happens here in my house, too) and sometimes you’re just tired. But none of this happens when you’re at home (well, that construction bit happens a lot, though), so it’s a lot easier to focus. No distractions otherwise.

And now comes the disadvantages. There are so many, I can’t fit them in here, so here are some of them:

  1. Screen time (obviously): We all know that these online classes include a lot of screen time in our schedule (mine’s approximately two hours). This can be bad for our eyes, as our eyes are very sensitive. If this pandemic continues, then  I guess we all are going to go blind. So I recommend you to do eye exercises two times a day.
  2. Technical issues: Online classes can sometimes be a nuisance. All these fancy apps have all these buttons, and kids fidget with them a lot. They sometimes get the control of the presenter, and they remove me from the meeting. Sometimes it happens automatically, and the teacher’s voice breaks. It’s pretty annoying, you know, especially if you’re trying to concentrate. I almost broke my computer keyboard in frustration the other day.
  3. Good Time Management: You have to be exactly on time for your session, which can prove to be stressful, especially during the lunch break, when you are trying to eat in peace. When the schools were open, you always were in the class anyway, so you didn’t exactly leave it.

Well, that was it. I know you are sad to leave (you probably aren’t, but it’s a figure of speech), but I will be back with another blog soon. Let me know your opinions on this in the comments section! Until then, bye and take care!


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Total 3 Comments

Jesse Lyon Jan 16 2021 2:49PM

It is really helpful to have a young person`s perspective on online learning, because otherwise adults might just go with what they think and miss the valuable contribution of young people. It would be interesting to find out if it is easier to make friends with schoolmates with online classes vs physical classes. I enjoyed reading this blog entry!


Samir Sapre Jan 3 2021 6:42AM

Well written, keep it up Akshobhya!


Girish Paraspatki Jan 2 2021 9:06AM

Very well written!! Excellent observations!! All the benefits and disadvantages well pointed out!


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Akshobhya Sapre

I am an avid reader, and I write blogs in my free time. I decided to write this blog to raise awareness about online classes.

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2662755It is really helpful to have a young person`s perspective on online learning, because otherwise adults might just go with what they think and miss the valuable contribution of young people. It would be interesting to find out if it is easier to make friends with schoolmates with online classes vs physical classes. I enjoyed reading this blog entry!U133547Jan 16 2021 2:49PM133547Advantages and Disadvantages of Online ClassesAkshobhya Sapre Jesse Lyon 
2652755Well written, keep it up Akshobhya!U133310Jan 3 2021 6:42AM133310Advantages and Disadvantages of Online ClassesAkshobhya Sapre Samir Sapre 
2562755Very well written!! Excellent observations!! All the benefits and disadvantages well pointed out!U133324Jan 2 2021 9:06AM133324Advantages and Disadvantages of Online ClassesAkshobhya Sapre Girish Paraspatki 
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