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10Feb 2017

Alternate Education Why

Posted by : Swarna Latha
Category : Education - Primary School
Date :

As a parent, I look for nothing better than the best when it comes to my child's education.

In this quest I am trying to look for some answers and sharing my thoughts. So what is best? A school that gives,

  • Individual care and attention
  • Freedom to explore
  • Answers all the curious questions
  • Secured feeling
  • Easy access

As a mother I went around the schools in my vicinity to check. All the schools look promising but could not satisfy the basics I want. Instead what I saw was quite an experience!

  • Why is the place so sophisticated? As expensive as I can imagine
  • Why there is no space? A vertical building as high as sky
  • Why there is no place for a physical activity?
  • Why no hygiene maintained?
  • Why is it right on the main road?

My child before entering the school has already mastered two things, walking and talking! But I see every other teacher saying sit quietly and don't move. There starts the whole journey of don't do…..

  • Don't run, talk
  • Don't eat, spill
  • Don't touch, hold
  • Don't stand, sit …...don't don't and don't. How can a child of 3 years do this?
  1. Why can't I enter the school to see and feel it before I make the decision of admitting my child? I need to get admission before I enter the school and then if I don't like, I have to back out with no refund. How unfair is this? Is this a school or a place that scares me and obviously my child in the long run.
  2. Why is it important to know our income, our religion to get an admission?
  3. Why there is a package for the whole admissions process which comes with a discount for a early bird entry;) Donation!
  4. Why should my child go through an interview process?

So after all these hardships I still manage to find a good fit school for my child and then what happens? Is it only academics that's counted ?  Where is the connect between the teacher and the child. It's just another job for a teacher who is a job hopper for that hike in the salary.

What if my child is an artist! Loves music, painting or a sport? Who will encourage him? Me? If that is what I am required to do then why is the need to send him for a school? To prove him a failure? So what next in that case?

Alternate education!!

A child centric style of education! Where my child's needs are the priority,  what does he wants to do and how can he do. Of course it can be academic as well. An environment that's full of freedom with an order set. A school that's amidst nature and care, a holistic approach chosen to make learning beautiful meaningful and enjoyable.

Now as a parent, a stress free childhood is the ultimate that I would like to achieve for my child considering the lifestyle we lead. So there arises choices and make the best choice that suits your child.

Montessori style of education, Waldorf - Gurukula style or Home School…..

Each of these style of education is in itself scientifically proven and has shown nothing but wonders. Yea to achieve these wonders as a parent I need to follow the education path along with my child. What is even more interesting is, the obvious fact of what our ancestors followed and how over a period of time it has shaded off. I am glad there are setups created and people are working hard to bring this change back and we parents need to be educated equally to understand, follow and yes unlearn the whole sophisticated process that exists today! It's time now to act against the system and be that change which each one of us are looking for and asking for.

Education is a journey that starts the day we start breathing and ends the day we stop breathing! We have a choice as to how we make this journey more meaningful, joyful and adventurous. We  were quite lucky as our parents had less exposure and less knowledge but they gave us the best of the available resource. We now have more knowledge and more exposure available on fingertips and it's indeed a challenge how we share this to our children.

Disclaimer : the facts are a collection from different schools and purely personal experience.


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Swarna Latha

A typical Banglorean, born and brought up as a kannadiga. Completed my schooling in 1996 from Mahila Seva Samaja & Mom of two young kids.

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