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11Jan 2019


Posted by : Vani C
Category : Jindal Ardash Vidyalaya Bellary
Date :

"Don't take rest when you are tired, take rest when you are succeeded" is a populous quote which gives us a sententiousness meaning. According to me success can be specified in distinct ways, like being glad happy, being a good daughter to parents and a student to teacher and a good personality to the world.
 To me, success mean to set for myself, plan the steps to complement it and carry through with the plan and finally achieve the goal. I believe in motto "Life is too short to be wasted and there is so much to be done. All great men and women have accomplished just as one knows how to make best use of time". So from this I get a message that respecting time is a key to success .Time is a delicate thing in life. Success means the achievement of desired happiness and aims. 
Success is to fulfill a goal that we have set for ourselves . The only path  to be successful person in the life is to conquer confidence, motivation and positive attitude towards the life. We should be like a honeybee as it works very hard and punctual to its duty. So we should always have a feel that "I can do it, I will do it, I  will  do my best in this tremendous and trending world.”
 So dear friends ,
At last not the least success does not only mean happiness, perfection, satisfication in life but it also mean that facing all the challenges, obstacles, ups and downs in the journey of the life and coming and strive hard for brightness in upcoming life.
"Success is not final..........
 failure is not fatal.............
 It is the courage to continue that counts......."
                                        WRITTEN BY


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Vani C

I am Aruna from class IX.

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