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14Aug 2019

Education and Good Education

Posted by : Varsha Swarup
Category : Parenting
Date :

good education is a system that makes a student better. A good education is when it could increase a child's creativity, help them enjoy studying and help them through education in their future. Not only this is  good education, it helps them to socialize or communicate with others.Good education is becoming strong mentally,physically,socially.

When we talk about good education, are we talking only about academics? Are we talking about the different subjects one learns in the 4 walls of a class room? Let’s see what education means?

Education gives us the  knowledge of the world around us and changes it into something better. It develops in us a perspective of looking at life. It helps us build opinions and have points of view on things in life. People debate over the subject of whether education is the only thing that gives knowledge.

A good education provides us with a good and a healthy living. Anyone’s intention for the future is to gain a good education and to live a happy life. Education allows us to gain knowledge to see the world and challenge the obstacles and difficulties of what life brings. A good education helps to inculcate moral values and to differentiate between the good and the bad.

Now what does education mean?

Different people have given different meanings of education.

Education is the process of facilitating learning, or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits. Educational methods include storytelling, discussion, teaching, training, and directed research. 

Education is the nurturing of the inquisitive minds to churn out a truly educated person.

A truly educated person means:

  1. One who has an open mind to learn something which he doesn't know.
  2. One who is willing to improve at something that he already knows.
  3. When he talks about something, he really knows what he is talking about. He is not just repeating the rant he heard on the television or the popular opinions he stumbled upon the social media.
  4. He has his own thought process. He doesn't follow others blindly.
  5. Before taking any decision, he weighs the pros and cons meticulously .
  6. Education is what makes a person lose his ignorance. Having done so, he understands that many things are relative, not  absolute.


According to the Latin dictionary, education is derived from the three Latin words. They are Educere, Educare and Educatum.

''Educare'' which means ''to lead out'' or ''to draw out''. According to another view, the term is derived from the Latin word ''educere'' which means to bring up'' ''to raise'' or to nourish''. It means that education is an external imposition on the child and man.

       According to the third view, the term education is  derived from the Latin word ''Educatum'' which means the act of teaching or training.

According to Indian thinkers the word ''Shiksha'' is especially used for education. The term ''Shiksha'' is derived from the Sanskrit verbal root ''Shas'' which means to discipline, ''to control'', ''to instant'' or ''to teach''. The term ''Vidya'' is derived from the Sanskrit verbal root ''Vid'' which means to know.

 According to the great educationist  Dr.S.Radhakrishnan

"Education is to complete, must be humane, it must include not only the training of the intellect but the refinement of the heart and the discipline of the spirit. No education can be regarded as complete it if neglects the heart and the spirit.''

 The basic objective of education is to prepare a better human being ultimately along with other expertises. But if we are getting expertised in academic skills but  our values are decreasing, then that is the biggest downfall of any education system.

Every human being needs oxygen to survive in the world. Education is as important as this because education gives people the knowledge and skills they require.Education is important to people of all ages and it has no limit. Children require education in order for them to learn how to speak and to write.But in the pursuit of imparting education are we  ruining the little gems of the   country just to make them fit in the frigging society?

No education can be termed as bad it depends on every person how they utilize the education acquired by them right from their young age.

The right to education is not only the right to access education but also  the right to receive an education of good quality.Quality is the heart of good education.

Education must be available and accessible but also acceptable and adaptable.

The aim of education is far beyond acquiring numeracy and literacy skills.

Education should be a lifelong learning and it has to be embedded in the way we teach our students.

A good education is not an end in itself…a good education is but a starting point.










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Varsha Swarup

I am a passionate teacher. Love to teach and help my students not only in academics but other areas as well.

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