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04Jan 2020

Failure is The key to Success

Posted by : Harshitha Uppara
Category : Jindal Vidya Mandir, JSW Township
Date :

I have not failed. I have just found 10,000 ways which did not work. Said by Thomas Alva Edison.

Failure is not final. It can be called the stepping stone to succees. Failures are our best teacher, and they are the mirrors which show us our real face. Every successful man fails one or the other time. Failures tell us about our weekness, shortcoming, lack of preparation and effort. So, if you can manage to learn from failures, you will definitely reach where you started out to go. 

Making a mistake is not a crime. The ability to learn from it contributes to lasting success. Learn the lesson to be learnt from failure and try again with redoubled effort. Facing failure makes one strong, wiser and more resolute ;spurs one to greater effort. there is no success without failure.

Failure means lack of competitiveness, lack of analyzing things properly. Failures not only tell us what we can prepare ourselves for the level of success, they also reveal our short coming and encouage us to try again with more preparation, with more labor and hard work. All successful people failed many times in life but they analyzed with new perspective and tried again and succeeded. The one who tries is always better than the one who does not dare to. A person who dares has a chance of success. Blessed are those who once failed., is a saying worth being a disciple of. It meant that failures make us capable of evaluating our short coming and urge us to reach deals.

Nothing that comes easily is satisfying. If you have to succeed, you have to be real to pay the price for it, which includes braving failures and setbacks and being persistent in your effort. The result of failure may seem staggering if viewed collectively, individually, they are no longer formidable. You can either be defeated or discouraged by failure; or you can learn from it and analyze the causes of failure, remove them and endeavour again with all your strength and energy, and you are sure to succeed.

A child can seldom learn to walk without making sustained and sincere efforts in the process of tumbling and falling down a number of times.

Failures are the guide to success. Failures give us clue to rectify our mistakes and tell us how to club our effort in the right direction so that we get success one day...... 


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Total 1 Comments

Santoshi SM Jan 10 2020 11:06PM

Wow it`s very nice Harshitha keep it up. You have written very nice blog which is useful for our life I really loved your blog.


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Harshitha Uppara

Hello everyone my name is Harshit Uppar. I`m a student of Jindal Vidya Mandir, Vidyanagar Township, JSW.

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1282671Wow it`s very nice Harshitha keep it up. You have written very nice blog which is useful for our life I really loved your blog.U133278Jan 10 2020 11:06PM133278Failure is The key to SuccessHarshitha Uppara Santoshi SM133278.jpg
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