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11May 2019

How To Get Children To Control Their Behavior

Posted by : C M International School
Category : C M International School Pune
Date :

Getting children to behave is one of the most important, confusing, and difficult jobs parents have. And as children are acting out remember that testing our limits is their job. It's not always easy, but there are a few simple ways to get your child to behave without stress.

You can start by remembering that young children respond best to positive messages.  Instead of "don't run" try to say "please walk". It also helps if you try your best to respond in the same way each time.

When we go to mall or market child starts begging for a toy or for junk food to quite them down we buy items for them.  Instead that we can try to remind our children on the way to market itself that why we are  going.  Let make them  understand to buy only the things on our shopping list. At the store if they feel hungry, say you will be happy to buy fruits for them.  If you want to give them more than praise, consider something that isn't a toy Or treat.  A trip to the playground or an extra story at bedtime sends them message that behaving well has its own rewards. 


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C M International School

I am a teacher. Teaching is my passion. Specially spending time with children I feel myself blessed. I feel inner strength when I enter my school. I love to be a team of CMIS.

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