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10Jun 2019

How to Forgive and Live Peacefully

Posted by : C M International School
Category : C M International School Pune
Date :

Any unpleasant situation creates worries, tensions, bad moods , sad feelings , anger , Frustration within us  because we  are unable to change it  or because the situation is not in our favour as we expect, being in these Negative emotions will spoil our own health and will make that situation even worse .

When we  Practice Gratitude for these situations then healing process starts and then positive results start come for sure . 

Because your energy shifts and we are not into blame games and we choose to remain at peace. Because every negative experience is teaching us lessons and making us even more stronger. When we fight against and rebel , we dont heal with love & the experience repeats till we learn.

Try it out this works like *MAGIC*
1st step forgive the situation. 
2nd step forgive yourself and people associated in the situation. 
3rd bless the situation for the learning and awareness its presented
4th Trust there's only your learning ,growth and wellbeing under the apparently unpleasant event.


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C M International School

Myself Ananya kar. Fun loving caring human being. Love my surroundings. Accept my fault easily and forgive others.

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