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08Aug 2019

Intervention of Teachers in Students with Dyscalculia

Posted by : Irene Peller
Category : NexEd Teachers Bloggers 2019
Date :

Have you ever heard about students with dyscalculia? Do you know what it is? 

In this blog, I will share to you about dyscalculia and how can teachers help with this matter?

If you are a teacher, YOU should be aware of this!


Dyscalculia is a learning disability in math. Students with dyscalculia can have difficulties in quantities and concepts like bigger and smaller. They struggle with math symbols and more complex math. Having dyscalculia doesn’t mean students aren’t smart. But they may have a hard time applying what they know to solve math problems.

Dyscalculia defined as a condition that involves long-term, severe difficulties with mathematics which cause significant problems with academic or occupational performance, or with daily activities.

Some typical signs of dyscalculia that parents might notice are using finger counting – even for simple arithmetic – struggling to retrieve number facts from memory (such as times tables), and struggling to learn new procedures.

Dyscalculic children might also have trouble using calendars and clocks, they might struggle with recalling the order of past events, and with following sequential instructions.

" In my teaching experience, I have learned that not all students like Mathematics. I thought that if I teach well, they will learn well. But it's not just that matter. I discovered that even I discuss I the lesson well, there were some students who got low scores in my assessment. Why? Because there are students with "Math Dyslexia", that is a learning disability of Mathematics. They are really struggling in counting even in solving by simple problems. But..... HOW CAN A TEACHER HELP THE STUDENTS WITH DYSCALCULIA?

According to the National Council for Special Education, here are the tips on how to help students with dyscalculia?

  • Use concrete materials and start from practical activities.
  • Avoid creating anxiety for the student.
  • Establish the student’s preferred learning style.
  • Teach more than one way to solve mathematical operations.
  • Build on student’s existing knowledge.
  • Try to understand the student’s errors, do not just settle for wrong.
  • Concentrate on one concept at a time.
  • Language should be kept to a minimum and specific cues given for various mathematical operations in word problems.
  • Encourage students to visualise mathematical problems. Allow students to draw a picture to help them understand the problem and ensure they take time to look at any visual information such as charts and graphs.
  • If the student does not have co-existing reading difficulties, encourage him/her to read problems aloud.
  • In the early stages of teaching new mathematical skills ensure that the mathematical problems are free of large numbers and unnecessary calculations.
  • Provide examples and try to relate problems to real-life situations.
  • Provide students with graph paper/squared paper and encourage them to use this to keep the numbers in line.
  • Ask to explain verbally how he/she arrived at particular solutions.
  • Explain new concepts in a logical manner.
  • Encourage students to teach a concept back in order to check understanding.
  • Ensure worksheets are uncluttered and clearly laid out and provide ample room for uncluttered computation. Ensure that the page does not look intimidating.
  • Limit copying from the board.
  • Allow students to use computers and calculators, especially to self-correct.
  • Provide students with extra time to complete tasks and encourage the use of rough work for calculations.
  • Directly teach the language of Mathematics.
  • Always bear in mind the language of Mathematics differs significantly from spoken English.
  • Use consistent mathematical language both in your classroom and throughout the school.
  • Make use of mnemonics and visual prompting cards to assist students in memorising rules, formulae and tables. Repetition is also very important.
  • Always match the strategy to the student’s identified needs and abilities.

" As a mathematics teacher, i should consider the level of difficulty of my students in learning Mathematics. I will prepare more creative activities that not just to enhance their skills but to enjoy wehat they are learning." I hope this blog will encourage you to love students who have dyscalculia. DONT GIVE UP ON THEM!"



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Irene Peller

I am a Mathematics teacher in public high school level. I teach Grade 7 and Grade 10 Mathematics. I finished my master`s degree with the course of Master of Science in Teaching High School Mathematics. I am currently taking my doctorate degree with t

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