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16May 2016

Is a Mobile Phone Boon or Bane

Posted by : mitali sarnaik
Category : Kids Blog- 11-13 years
Date :

As you know a coin has two sides being heads and tails, the same case with a mobile phone being boon or bane.

Kids as well as adults have been debating on this topic for many years now. We all use mobile phones for different purposes and it may become boon or bane as per our activity for the use of phone. Boon means that modern technology in this case a mobile phone is useful and bane means that it is causing misery because of improper use.

I use my phone for many ways not just to call my friends and family but also in my studies. I can go to any search engine and look up the information I need.

My mobile phone come handy for small errands- to buy movie tickets, clothes and books even transfer money to my Grandma's account. I frequently use the weather app to check the weather before stepping out of the house especially during monsoon. My phone also helped me in learning the guitar in many ways.

 If used in the proper way a mobile phone can be very convenient, some of the ways are:

1. I can call my family and friends in case of an emergency

2. I can quickly look up information on any website

3. I can download games and can be used for recreational purposes.

4. Since e-commerce has been introduced on the phone, the usability of a mobile has reached to a different level

5. It can be very handy for navigation purposes, finding locations and has an inbuilt GPS (Global Positioning system)

Mobile Phones may become bane if used too much; it can affect your brain and may cause you to live in a virtual world instead of the real world.

Once I also experienced cyber bullying, the worst part is that you know don't who is who. Our neighbour also got robbed because she had a habit of updating her status and sharing her whereabouts. It sometimes affects me during the exams not allowing me to concentrate

Some ways of using mobile phones that can become bane are:

1.  Can cause anxiety and suspense

2. Use of mobile phone becomes addiction when a person is using it while eating, drinking, playing and can’t breathe without a phone

3. It causes accidents too, people get addicted to their phones (phones in a vehicle, phones at funerals and phones at theatres.)

4. The experts are also worried that human intelligence should not be taken over by this instrument because people are losing their habit/ability of thinking and remembering things such as phone numbers, addresses etc.

5. It has been used for cyber bullying by children or by adults also.

But currently people are realizing the disadvantages of phones and are requested to put on silent in few places such as theatres and temples .That is also the reason why parents are not giving their children a mobile phone at a very young age.

The usage of a mobile phone being boon or bane lies in our hands and the way we use it.


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mitali sarnaik

I am an eager blogger trying to tell everyone that a mobile phone being boon or bane lies in our hand. Also having a great iphone or a phone at all does not make anyone more special or superior than another.

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