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30Jan 2019

Little Baby Sister

Posted by : Saba Patvi
Category : Kids Blog- 11-13 years
Date :

Want to start this blog with lots of love to my darling sister.

I think the best thing that happened in my life till now is the birth of my younger sibling , a baby sister. It’s been two and a half years when  she came in our life. We all love her very much.

Every child should be having a younger sister or a brother. They truly make one’s life full of great experiences. They play, run, shout, dance, love each others. They also fight with each others. Younger siblings are too cute and adorable but they can also surely be a pain in the neck. But still, they are needed in everyone’s life.

‘Sister’s are different flowers from the same garden’

          My sister, my darling, just two and a half years old ,but she is like a grandmother to me. After school when I reach home, she is just  behind me . She has made me a more responsible elder sister. She has made me more caring and loving . My little sister means the world to me. I can do anything to make her happy. I am very thankful to God for a cute little baby sister.


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Saba Patvi

Myself, Riza Rizvan Patvi. I study in Jindal Vidya Mandir, Salav. I am in class 4 A. I like drawing and painting.

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