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07May 2016

Mean Kids

Posted by : mitali sarnaik
Category : Kids Blog- 11-13 years
Date :

How to deal with mean kids and how to avoid being a mean human yourself.

Hey guys, I am going to talk about how to deal with mean kids in the right way and how to avoid being one yourself.

The first thing to remember is that everyone is bullied once in a while so you are not the only one facing this problem. A person who is mean to others is called a bully. A bully oppresses a person just to feel good about them. This is a very common problem faced by students in middle school and high school.

Now as you have understood the causes of bullying, let us see how to overcome these situations.

1. Know that you are you not alone and if you want a friend go to a person who might need a friend too.

2. Make sure their words never affect you in any way. Remember, the proverb: sticks and stones may break my bones but words do not hurt me.

3. Also, never hesitate to tell any adult about your problems if it gets out of hand.

This is how you never turn to the dark side.

Few Tips to Evade Bullying

It is very simple to turn your path, to evade doing that here are a few tips:-

1. Never back stab a person

2. Never gossip about an individual or surround yourself by kids who gossip.

3. Always trust your friends and also be a trustworthy person and not just a friend.

If you follow these few rules and be a kind human, you will come across very few situations like these. But never forget to always be determined with your head held high. Also don’t go pleasing everyone listen to yourself too.


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Total 1 Comments

Atul Dravid May 19 2016 8:16PM

You are blessed by Devi Sarswati... The depth of understanding exhibited in your article is marvellous... I see next Rowlings in making..,.


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mitali sarnaik

I am Mitali of the seventh grade in Vibgyor High Balewadi Pune. Everybody in this age faces issues of bullying so I would like to share my thoughts about dealing with these issues.

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9166You are blessed by Devi Sarswati... The depth of understanding exhibited in your article is marvellous... I see next Rowlings in making..,.U12343May 19 2016 8:16PM12343Mean Kidsmitali sarnaik Atul Dravid 
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