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17Aug 2019

Mother in You

Posted by : Poonam Mahadik
Category : Other
Date :

Oh god! Tomorrow  Monday again. Daughter conversing with her mamma.
Mamma working in kitchen getting ready for Monday. Daughter annoyed giving a
Sly look…how can you be so enthusiastic to go to school. Mamma with a grin.” Beta, school is my life”

            The conversation stopped and the day ended by having dinner.
Mamma lying on the bed , thinking how her routine is set and how busy she is everyday. Actually Tina (mother)an Electronic Engineer started a job as a school  teacher just for her daughter.

As no one in the house to look after her baby Tina left her carrier and started looking after her baby.
Baby sitting was done for 5 years where Tina had to forgo her carrier.
As Her daughter grew Tina took a decision of working as a part time teacher in a school.
Tina enjoyed being with kids and gradually developed her carrier in school from being a part time teacher to a full time teacher.

Today Tina is nearly 15 years in this carrier. Lying on the bed thinking how this carrier has
helped her to change .Being 7 hours with 40 kids is like handling delicate flowers which are in blooming stage. Where one has to be very patient and loving and sometimes very firm. Being a teacher helps you to be always updated with the outside world and within yourself. Lying on the bed she felt very proud and accomplished of not being an Engineer but a teacher happily able to handle her family along with her job.



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Poonam Mahadik

Working as a teacher for last 12years.Enjoying teaching.

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