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24Jan 2019

My Life

Posted by : Jindal Vidya Mandir Kalmeshwar
Category : Jindal Vidya Mandir Kalmeshwar
Date :

Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me. Life is 10% what happen to you and 90% how you react to it. Good, better, best, never let it rest, till your good is better and your better is best.

Learn to enjoy every minute of your life, be happy. Don’t wait for something outside of yourself to make you happy in the future. Think how really precious is the time you have to spend, whether it’s at work or with your family. Every minute should be enjoyed and savored.

Life is a game, somewhere you will lose but if you have confidence next time you will win.

In life who have their aim, they can only secure their goal. We say that, don’t take life seriously, live it with fun, happiness, togetherness, kindness and so on.


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Jindal Vidya Mandir Kalmeshwar

Miss Srujan Mahajan, Class- V

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