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15Aug 2019

Quotes for teachers to live by

Posted by : Lavina Nagdev
Category : Other
Date :

Take care of yourself first. If you're not taking care of yourself, you can't take care of your students.


You can't pour from an empty cup. You need more to make your soul happy than work! Even if you love your job, you need other ways to fill your cup.



Self care is not selfish: It can be really hard to take time for ourselves. But, self care is not selfish!



Make time for what makes you happy. What hobbies or activities do you really enjoy? Were there things you loved before you became a teacher that you've stopped doing? Making time for those things is important.



Be kind to yourself. We are always telling our students to be kind. But, we also have to make sure that we're being kind to ourselves! Treat yourself as you would a student.


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