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06Nov 2019


Posted by : AKILA s
Category : Kids Blog- 11-13 years
Date :

How do people and children get addted to smartphones ?

 Most of the people and children in the whole wide world are addicted to smartphones. They use it more than their limit which damages their eyes and the beauty of their face. Many people are addicted to phones by installing games, watching cartoons and etc...

How does this damage their eyes ?

  The more time people and children concentrate on phones,the more their eye will get damaged.It might cause blindness,their eyesight can deteriotate and a thick layer of tissue will form on the iris which will not allow the people or the children to see clearly.

How can we prevent this problem ?

My opinion is that,both the people and the chlidren can use mobile phones but there must be a time limit for using mobile phones.The time limit should be only from 10 to 15 minutes.They can also engage themselves by reading a book,playing outdoor games and studying the subjects for the day.This way your eyes will not get damaged! 





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I am Aditi Shri from Budding Minds International School. I study in grade 6. I am 11 years old. I love writing blogs and I have written few blogs. I started writing blogs when I was 8 years old.

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