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28Dec 2020

Things That Annoy Me

Posted by : Akshobhya Sapre
Category : Kids Blog- 11-13 years
Date :

Hello and welcome back to another blog. My name is Akshobhya (as you might already know), and today I have a special kind of blog. It is about things that annoy me. There are many, actually, like people spitting, honking, and things like that. I will speak a bit about everything. But read on so you can find out more!

The first thing that annoys me for now at least… is the Coronavirus. Yeah, you heard me right. There are many reasons for that, but one of them is the online classes. I’m not saying that I don’t want to study (no one says that), but I am saying it because of the screen time. I mean, usually kids come back from school, get refreshed and put their noses into a screen (even I do it sometimes)! But now, thanks to these online classes, it’s been double, get my point? The online screen time, plus the after-school screen time. That’s not the end, though! We even have to order our food, groceries online! So we depend on a screen to survive!!!?(Ok, maybe I’m overacting, so I should stop) That’s still not the end, though, but if I continue, it will be a loooooooong blog.

The second thing that annoys me the most, is the bad habits of people. They spit, honk horns (causing a lot of noise pollution in air), hunting animals and cutting trees, generally making life miserable. It is also because of humans that our planet is going to blast into a thousand pieces, as global warming is also the humans’ fault. Didn’t get my point? Well, I’ll give you an example. Take this year’s winter, for example. Last year, it was a not-so-cold winter, but this year, you would have noticed that you were cold even if you wear two sweaters and a pair of socks! And, believe me, I have tried it. But why is this happening? Global Warming.

 This next thing that annoys me, is a pretty dumb reason to get annoyed, but I’ll        tell you anyway. You guys know the back of a cigarette pack? Well, I know it because I saw it at a small street shop. If you have seen it, you would have noticed that there’s a warning, which says: ‘Smoking is injurious to health’. Well, the reason I am annoyed is that… WHY DO THEY SELL THE CIGARETTES IF THEY KNOW IT’S HARMFUL??!!! (Pant, pant) Seriously, why? And, why do the people buy them, anyway??? And, most important, who invented them in the first place??? I was annoyed with this since I first laid my eyes on it! Seriously…

The fourth thing that annoys me is construction. Don’t get me wrong, I love architecture, but my mom says that when she lived in our bungalow alone, she could see the highway from here, and believe me, she is telling the truth. But now, in all the four directions (and even the southwest, southeast kind of directions), all you see is walls, walls,walls,all over the place. Well, there are two reasons why I don’t like it. First, recently, the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn was seen by bare eyes, but there were so many buildings that we had to go to our neighbours’ apartment to see it. Second, the drilling noises are the most annoying thing… ever. In fact, there’s a new building coming, right in front of us. It’s not great, you know, especially if you’re trying to get some sleep. I mean, can’t a person sleep in peace these days?

And, last but not least, the fifth thing that annoys me is… (drum rooollllllllllllll) my mother’s scolding (Silence). Yeah, I’m not even kidding. I have no problem about it, since she does it for my own good. But, my ears are like dog ears. So, when mom’s not even shouting that much, I feel like my ears will explode like fireworks. I really hope I get used to it, because it happens with all the loud noises. A few years like these, and I’m completely going to be deaf. I have a really good reason to get annoyed with my mom’s voice, but the problem is that kids nowadays are not allowed to get annoyed with things like that.

Well, that was it. If you agree with me, then please let me know in the comments. I hope you are safe (especially in this stupid pandemic) and farewell until the next blog!


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Total 3 Comments

Girish Paraspatki Dec 30 2020 10:48PM

Excellent writing Akshobhya!! You have a way with the words. The way you express it gives an impression that the reader is having a dialogue with you. Commendable for your age and the points you have raised are so valid. Keep up the good work!!????


Furqan Sayed Dec 30 2020 12:04AM

Keep it up Akhshobhya!


Faheem Uddin Dec 29 2020 8:50AM

You raised a legitimate issue.


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Akshobhya Sapre

I am an avid reader. I also have a vivid imagination( If I do say so myself) and this blog is my fifth blog. I have made it extra funny, and I hope you like it!

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2552754Excellent writing Akshobhya!! You have a way with the words. The way you express it gives an impression that the reader is having a dialogue with you. Commendable for your age and the points you have raised are so valid. Keep up the good work!!????U133324Dec 30 2020 10:48PM133324Things That Annoy MeAkshobhya Sapre Girish Paraspatki 
2542754Keep it up Akhshobhya!U133313Dec 30 2020 12:04AM133313Things That Annoy MeAkshobhya Sapre Furqan Sayed 
2532754You raised a legitimate issue.U133323Dec 29 2020 8:50AM133323Things That Annoy MeAkshobhya Sapre Faheem Uddin 
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