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11Jan 2019


Posted by : Vani C
Category : Jindal Ardash Vidyalaya Bellary
Date :

Dreams, we all dream right? The question arises why do we dream? Just like sleep, dreams are too important as they give our lives a meaning. Some get funny, weird and horror dreams besides, some haunt us.

We come across many dreams which has clarity and some does not. I came across a very strange dream where I and my friends were trying to rise up the ladder; but weren’t able to reach the top. We were falling time after time. All my friends were perplexed. UFF/ Finally, we achieved the goal of reaching the top. We did it. when I was awaken, I couldn’t understand the inner meaning. One day I realized that it meant to me. I t was related to my studies where I was persistently working on my goal set.

Perception means a lot. It says that rising on a ladder means knocking the doors of achievement and falling is of vice-versa. Some dreams gain our inner strength and confidence, right? Have you dream the same? Meanwhile; without dreams our life would be a wandering ship, wouldn’t it???


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Vani C

I am Pujitha from class IX.

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