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11Jan 2019

Why Are Changes Necessary

Posted by : Vani C
Category : Jindal Ardash Vidyalaya Bellary
Date :

Change to make or become different. An act of process through which something becomes different. To form a new opinion or make a new decision about something that is different from your old one.

A change  often refers to something unusual or new that is better or more pleasant than what existed before.

Why are changes necessary in a human life? In order to avoid bitterness in life its important to bring some changes in life. It’s important to make internal changes and huge amount of changes come from within. Purandaradasa also expressed their views on changes. He declared that without inner purity external purity is of no use. “what is the use of cleaning the external filth without cleaning internal filth”. He also said “without faith, the mere dipping in a river is of no use”.

If we need changes in our life, first we should realize what  we are doing incorrect in our life that would effect us in up coming days. So , one should sit at a corner and decide what changes should be replaced in ones life. In this way we can brighten our future.

Once I was observing a Eagle. Suddenly a question started revolving around my mind. That was why we human beings are not like Eagles? As we know Eagle lives up to 70 years. At the age of 40 it had to make a difficult decision because at the age of 40 it becomes old, unable to catch its prey, unable to fly above the clouds. Because its feathers become heavy, beak become blunt. So, now it has to two options whether it has to die or should overcome through it. So, it chooses the option , overcome through the difficulties. It goes to the mountain and seats on a rock and starts beating the beak against the rock and does the same with all the three parts so old one cracks and new parts are formed. Now the Eagle can fly above the clouds and can catch its prey for its survival. Here we have seen Eagle made some changes for its survival. Similarly, a change in process should be continuously occurring in a persons life. When I was in class 8. We had a poem about our life. It was given that a life gets numerous opportunity to fulfill his/her needs. Then why the man is not utilizing it and not moving in a right path? A big moto of a human life is to stop never and always keep moving. We find various difficulties in between while achieving the success but we should not get rid of those difficulties because they come to test our strength. Problems are like water flow they go and come, they never stay for a long time. We should not get afraid of problems instead problems should afraid of us and go to someone else. That sufficient experience a person should have.

If we place a huge stone in front of a train, and train is moving with a low speed. What breaks? A train breaks. If the same train had increased its speed. Now what breaks? A  stone breaks, because a train made a change in its speed. If a small things can make a change to move further, why not we the human beings who have multi talents. So dudes, lets bring a huge change in ourselves. Because everything happens, happens for the best.


The sun shone through the window of clouds.

 Why was it shinning?

Was it trying to tell me something?

Should I once again jump into the well of life?

Do I have the right?

Is god going to be with me?

And I looked at the bright clouds again.

I was given the answer I desired.

So I took a deep dive

And when I came out

I saw what life had offered

It was a new person there,

And that new person was me.


Hence, changes are necessary in our life.



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Total 1 Comments

Haseeb Gani Jan 15 2019 11:16PM

Plunge into the deep and don`t wait at the shore, don`t you want to know what miracles are in store!


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Vani C

I am Sukitha of class IX

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