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25Jan 2019

How a Bottle is Recycled

Posted by : Jindal Vidya Mandir VidyaNagar Mandir
Category : Jindal Vidya Mandir, JSW Township
Date :

First they collect the bottles and the other recyclable materials which are picked up from home schools and business centers and taken to the recycling factory of the facility.

Next they are sorted bottles and containers are sorted based on what they are made of. Then they go through the machine that sorts them. Then the melting of the bottles takes place and impurities are removed. The melted plastic is processed into flakes which can be made into a wide range of plastic products.

The plastic can be spun into a very fine thread like material in a process similar to how cotton candy is made. Companies use this to make a wide variety of items including carpets, clothing, filling for jackets and coats depending on the type of plastic. They can also be made into in to new plastic bottles.

By : Prashantha

Age: 8 - 10 years











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Jindal Vidya Mandir VidyaNagar Mandir

I am Prashantha. I am artistic.

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