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01Dec 2022

Happy Browsing

Posted by : Amruta Dike
Category : Kids Blog- 11-13 years
Date :

The Internet is a whole other world. It’s like, whatever is on the Earth is same on the internet but better. Sometimes it can be worse too. Let’s see how we can be safe and happy online.

First things first, find the latest fireguard software; it keeps your gadget from any unwanted viruses and can prevent from anyone else from seeing your history.

Use a strong password- Your password should contain minimum 12 characters. Why 12? Because passwords below 10 characters can easily be decoded in an hour.

Keep your confidential data offline- Do not share you passwords, Adhaa rnumber and address to anyone you have never metin person.

Avoid shady links- Free deals and great and all but you might as well be a bait for the fisherman. You should NOT ever click on these ads, links and spam E-mails and answer spam calls.

Check a website’s readability before going further and using it. – Let me tell you a trick, you should see thetop left corner of the ‘Enter browser’ space, if there is a symbol of a lock. Then the website is safe, if not, you should probably exit and not visit the website.

Don’t let your computer log in automatically- If in case your device is hacked, your device will ask for a password before it logs in.

Keep your computer updated – Regular reboots and browser checks are vital. By not looking after your browseryour device can face problems and have a 80% chance of getting hacked.

You can have loads of fun on the internet. You can make vlogs, play video games and most importantly watch videos. I would like to express an idea which I hope that can be doable. We could create a website that identifies the Information of the black hat hacker.

The Internet should be considered to be a blessing and a curse, it is important to use the internet wisely.


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Amruta Dike

I am Aarohi Kulkarni from class VI of City Pride School Nigdi

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