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15Jun 2020

How To Be More Resilient When Things Get Tough

Posted by : Mradula Singh
Category : Founders Desk
Date :

Thriving in challenging times makes you resilient, there is no secret recipe it is choices we make everyday and look at things.

Today my heart goes out to all the parents and his family who are jolted by the news of the demise of a youth heartthrob of Hindi cinema. There are many parents who are horrified about how do we explain to our children not to hero worship this part? How do we let them know the world is beautiful and thank God for the life, be appreciative of the things you have.


Even if, as parents we wanted to hide it, we would not be able to do so. The media is flashing it in the most insensitive manner and smartphones in the hands of children have kept no space for us to keep things undercover. My teen daughter came running and told this to us with a shocked face and obviously the news broke from her friends’ group on WhatsApp.

I didn’t know as a mother whether I should react to the news or should say something to my daughter… This was the situation of not just one mother or father but hundreds of parents.

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There are some very simple things that can support in unfolding our dear children into strong humans. I can’t relate the situation more to this quote, Change The Way You Look At Things And Things You Look At Change”,  - Wayne Dyer

Change is inevitable in everyone’s life. When you change the way you see the world, when intentions are positive and powerful, then life transforms into the amazing canvas. There are no such things which are negative, you create your own reality with your thoughts.

Lead by example dear parents, uncover the beauty of meaningful life and inner peace. Telling stories of grit and resilience creates a different mindset among children, hardships can be conquered and there is nothing that is invincible.

Resilience is the capacity to cope with adversity and stress, we may not be born with this trait. We may not be born with resilience but we can build it, by our thoughts, behaviors, and ideas. A resilient person not just survives the toughest time but also can survive in it.

The toughest time gives you more opportunities to learn, relearn and unlearn and thrive in the tough times.

Here is a simple formula to stay strong in all times but particularly in tough times:

  • Take it out, don’t hold back on one thing
  • Accept change
  • Build relationships
  • Chant everyday – I’m good & I can do it
  • Learn mindfulness – yoga and meditation
  • Build mental strength like building physical strength
  • Reward small wins
  • Stand Up as many times as you fall
  • Knowing life is not what is outside but within us
  • Bring a personal you for successes and failures
  • Appreciate people around for their smallest deeds

Listen to emotions and be willing to learn from disappointments and failures as well as success and motivations. Smile more and you will receive more smiles, live more for yourself for what you love. Develop hobbies and be creative, this pandemic has taught us lot of life lessons, let’s instill some within us and in our children.

Stay positive & keep smilingsmiley

I would love to hear your thoughts, scroll down mail to comment enlightened


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Total 1 Comments

Sudeepta Chakravarty Jul 6 2020 11:49AM

I was also very disturbed after my daughter came with the news. Thanks for sharing, you have poured my thoughts in this blog.Yes, resilience is one of the qualities that parents must focus on in this new world. I love reading your blogs Mradula. You bring a very candid view of education.


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Mradula Singh

She knows the value of bringing technology to connect education fraternity and has taken a different route to bring awesomeness in education and parenting by starting NexSchools- an education resource and media platform.

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2132740I was also very disturbed after my daughter came with the news. Thanks for sharing, you have poured my thoughts in this blog.Yes, resilience is one of the qualities that parents must focus on in this new world. I love reading your blogs Mradula. You bring a very candid view of education.U175Jul 6 2020 11:49AM175How To Be More Resilient When Things Get ToughMradula Singh Sudeepta Chakravarty175.jpg
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