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23May 2018

Strangers can be Dangers

Posted by : Pavan Shah
Category : Kids Blog-8-10 years
Date :

I would like to make you aware about strangers who can be danger too. This is going to be my first blog. I hope you like it.

Please do not trust the one you do not know. They may be harmful and really dangerous nowadays. You know a stranger can be a child, a young man or an old lady too, those can be anyone you do not know. They can even easily fool you by telling you your parents are in trouble or they can tell you anything which will attract you to go with them. If you feel someone is coming behind you just run away straight towards home or public area. 

If anyone touches you and you feel unsafe you should shout NO and run to home or a safe place.. Now you should be alerted about this unsafe reigion. You should not take anything not even a chocolate from a road stranger if you don't know him/her.

There are two types of strangers - bad strangers and good strangers. If the person has a bit weird smile it means that it may possibly be a BAD STRANGER. You should observe body language of strangers to get idea about Bad or good strangers. Bad strangers mostly have the point to kidnap small children or take them to a other city faraway from their parents and then they use these children to beg to collect money. If you ever are in trouble because of a stranger you should try to borrow a phone and then contact the police on 101.

Be alert all-time to be safe all-time.


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Tvisha Shah May 24 2018 3:45AM

The blog is written by my daughter Tvisha Shah. This is her first blog. Please pass Feedback.


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Pavan Shah

Tvisha Shah - a student of 4th grade. I love dancing, swimming. Read my first blog.

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1011140The blog is written by my daughter Tvisha Shah. This is her first blog. Please pass Feedback.U52483May 24 2018 3:45AM52483Strangers can be DangersPavan Shah Tvisha Shah52483.jpg
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