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21May 2018

The Gods of Mount Olympus

Posted by : Ameya Kanukuntla
Category : Kids Blog-8-10 years
Date :

You might know about all of the Indian Gods, but there are other gods, too. One really interesting set of gods are the Greek ones.

  • Zeus is the son of Cronus and Rhea, two of the titans. He is the god of the heavens, sky, clouds, lightning, and wields the power of thunder. He is the father of many of the Olympian Gods.His spouse is Hera, and she is also his sister. Now that is weird. But Hera is not the mother of many of the Olympian Gods. Zeus married many other women and had thousands of other children.
  • Hera is the goddess of women, marriage, and childbirth.
  • Athena is the goddess of wisdom and strategic warfare. She battled Poseidon, the god of the seas and horses for the city of Attica, and won with the creation of the olive tree. The city was proudly renamed Athens. Athena was born in a rather strange way. Zeus’s wife at the time was Metis, and a prophecy told him that if it was a son, he would take over as king. Zeus swallowed Metis and Athena burst out of Zeus’s head.
  • Apollo and Artemis were born in a strange way, too. Hera made all the lands that had roots in the earth to not accept Leto, Apollo and Artemis’s mother, and when she was pregnant. At the time there was an island called Delos that floated around, occasionally bumping off other islands. Hera banished Eileithyia, the goddess of childbirth to go to help Leto. Finally, the other goddesses distracted Hera with a necklace and Eileithyia went and helped Leto. Out came Apollo and Artemis. Apollo, god of the sun, light, oracles, music, song, dance, healing, and medicine defeated the mighty Python, a huge snake, when he was four days old, and Artemis, goddess of the wilderness and forests asked her father Zeus if she could be a maiden forever and not marry. These two gods are also the gods of archery.
  • Ares was the son of Zeus and Hera, and Aphrodite was born from the remains of Ouranos, father of Cronus.So technically she would be the great aunt of Ares.
    Aphrodite had children with Ares, even though she was married to Hephaestus.

  • Hades is the god of death and married his niece, Persephone, goddess of springtime, daughter of Zeus and Demeter, goddess of plants and the harvest.

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Ameya Kanukuntla

I`m Ameya and love to play basketball, play with legos and creating quilling jewelry. I have a small brother who is very naughty and i like to play with him. my grandfather gave me 2 tortoises as gift to me for my birthday.

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