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25Jan 2019


Posted by : Jindal Vidya Mandir Kalmeshwar
Category : Jindal Vidya Mandir Kalmeshwar
Date :

Time is the most important thing in our life. Time means a period of time. There is a common and true saying that “Time waits for none” which means time never waits for anyone. Many people says that time is money. Time is very precious to all of us we should know the importance of single second. It runs continually, so we can understand the value of time. Time is like a river.

Time help us in every movement of our life. We can make a daily schedule such as school, playing, home tasks, sleeping time, eating etc. should be planned according to time. Time is used by everyone but the true use of time is when you do not waste. This means we should understand the value of time.


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Jindal Vidya Mandir Kalmeshwar

Mast. Mohit Wade, Class- IV

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