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Music Gives Soul TO The Universe - World Music Day

International Music Day  World Music Day  It all started 36 years ago in France. In 1982, France’s Ministry of Culture dreamed up an idea for a new kind of musical holiday. They imagined a day where free, live music would be everywhere: street corners and parks, rooftops and gardens, store fronts and mountaintops. And, unlike a typical music festival, anyone and everyone would be invited to join and play music, or host performances. The event would take place on the summer solstice, June 21, and would be called Fête De La Musique. (In French, the name means both “festival of music” and “make music!”)

Three decades later, it is now celebrated in more than 120 countries and 1000 cities. (Source: www.makemusicday.org)

Dr Rupali Dhamdhere, Principal CM International School, Pune shared with NexSchools her views on music and relevance of music in education. 

"Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything." Plato

Music is the universal language. It instantly connects people and language is no barrier here. Music is soulful; it instantly elevates you in a peaceful manner. It also helps to express where language and words give up.

It gives a rhythm to life just like your heart beating, breathing etc all this seems rhythmic and the efforts or stress feels lifted off and one starts feeling light.

Some say music is an escape but I would disagree as I feel it gets you  closer to yourself, helps you to calm down and giving  a direction to move towards the solution.

Stories Out of School a global contest for K12 school preschools in India USA Canada Australia UK Indonesia Singapore Malaysia South Africa

When a child is born the first thing that you hear is a cry, each cry is different and unique, it has a rhythm to it and is music to ears of parents.  So this is our first connect to music and maybe our first public performance.

Children Playing Music World Music Day 2019

Connecting music to education has its own advantages. It gives the students an outlet from their regular school work. It is a creative mode of expression. It helps children become better listeners and with improved listening skills they are well equipped to learn and understand with a whole new perspective.

There are so many benfits of music for school children. It helps develop language and reasoming and increase motor skills by playing musical instuments, no doubt they develop better eye-hand coordination.

Music students have better emotional development, they tend to have higher self-esteem and better at coping with anxiety. All the modern day challenges of emotional wellbeing can be tackled so easily.



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Very well said by A R Rahman,

The idea of music is to liberate the listener and lead him to a frame where he feels elevated.

Lets liberate our children.

Lets get them closer to music this World Music Day 21st June

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