Earth is having a major disaster. Our mother Earth is having pain from many years.We have one major problem, I am going to write about here.
There is less water for human use on the planet. We are using up more and more fresh water for our own use and reducing the available water for others like the animals and fishes in the lake.
And some of the several solutions:
1. Turn off taps when not in use.
2. Recycle the waste water from our homes and industries.
3. Use low water washing machines.
4. Do not pollute the air to reduce climate change.
5. Don’t cut trees and also plant more trees so that we get more rains.
6. Do rain water harvesting.
If you follow these steps you will find a key to a bigger, better and wonderful world. But if you will not follow these steps you will be -
1. getting less and less food
2. less and less of fishes in the seas
1. paying more electric/water bill
2. wasting time in traffic
3. polluting the air.
Scientists and many other contributors have also given a message to the world about this crisis thus only half the percentage of this planet has been convinced and contributed and the other has not agreed and has not given the response. This is the world’s biggest, major and most critical crisis. In every single country of this planet water, electricity is wasted and millions of trees are cut down. The cutting down of trees has destroyed many habitats of flora and fauna. Water is wasted every second. All this destruction is the cause of all this crisis. I would like all bloggers to contribute and make Earth a better place to live in.
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