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23Feb 2020

The Indian Culture

Posted by : The School
Category : The Scindia School
Date :

We Indians have a very diverse culture. Our society has a very rich history. At first, we were simple people then after British came to India we learned many new things from them and they taught us by one way or another. When Britishers started exploiting our rights we kept in mind our culture and fought with them and was successful in removing colonial rule. This tells us that our culture has experienced worst phrases also. Thus we have a diverse culture.

Our country is a secular country. We entertain every religion on our home ground. Our constitutions says that Every citizen can follow any religion of their choice. During the partition of India and Pakistan, it was divided On the basis of religion. It people’s choice whether they want  go there or stay here. Many stayed here and many went there. We happily accepted them and that side did not.

This is where the problem starts. If you follow any religion any holy book you pick none of them says that one religion is above another. All of them have their different ideologies. We humans are same all of us have two eyes, two ears have same characteristics, then also we classify people on the basis of religion, caste, creed sex. A man should be only classify on the basis of their work ability.

Our country celebrates every kind of festivals from Diwali to Eid. We do not create any differences. This we have talked about religion. Now when we talk about language our country has like many national languages not just Hindi or English but twenty-two other official languages also. People from foreign comes to India to just learn our language like father Camil Bulke(he came from Belgium and settled in India to just learn our language). Not just him many people like him have also came in the history and even coming now also to just learn our language and our culture. We should feel pride towards our nation and our culture because of its length and breadth. This was a collective effort but despite of all we thank ne person who is famous in the whole world. Mahatma Gandhi, father of our nation and the creator of this diverse country and its culture. He not only helped India but other countries also like South Africa. He shaped lives of two countries and brought together its people and its culture. You will find our people in the whole world no matter what they do. One thing is guaranteed that they will never forget their culture and always greet you as their own.

This tells us that Indian history or Indian culture both are rich like gems. We should never forget the gratitude towards our country and its society.

Tags: Coronavirus, Lil Blogger Community, NexSchools Lil Blogger 11 years, Kids Blogging, Safe place for Kids to blog, Student Activities


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